Abortion stops a beating heart and ends an innocent human life. A life that is a gift from God made in His image and one that we ordain our government to protect. Abortion on demand has never rested easy on the collective conscience of the American people, and we are grateful that the conservative Supreme Court reversed the destructive and evil practice of abortion by overturning Roe v. Wade - but, there is still much work to do. Faith & Freedom is working diligently to protect life by working with elected leaders in Washington, DC and in State Capitols throughout the country to enact pro-life laws and executive action that protects women and their unborn children. Further, Faith & Freedom supports carefully looking at foster care systems to create a system that works for West Virginia’s children and supports them “womb to tomb”.
Our Pro-Life Priorities:
Enact legislation that deters “abortion trafficking” of minors across state lines to receive abortion procedures and medications without the knowledge and consent of their parents.
Educate West Virginia’s citizens and leaders on the critical and important role that Pregnancy Resource Centers play in supporting women, men, children, and families as a whole and advocate for their continued funding and support.
Support families and struggling mothers by eliminating burdensome state sales taxes on baby items like diapers, car seats, formula, and bottles.
Work with policy organizations and state leaders on a solution to West Virginia’s childcare crisis that focuses on a private sector solution.
Pass “Jaycie’s Law”, legislation requiring the West Virginia Department of Education to establish a policy to support the educational and parenting goals and improve the educational outcomes of pregnant and parenting students; requiring an allotment of at least 8 weeks for a student's pregnancy and providing for an effective date.
Resources for Mothers and Families:
Her PLAN (Her Pregnancy and Life Assistance Network) facilitates collaboration between assistance providers and their communities to empower women and families through comprehensive medical, social, and material support.
Learn more about Her Plan and see resources in West Virginia at https://herplan.org/
Phone: (202) 223-8073
Cross Roads PCC provides pregnancy tests, free services, and other resources for mothers around Kanawha County so that they can make an informed decision about this moment in their lives. From their website: "We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks."
Learn more about what they provide at https://www.crossroadspcc.com/
Phone: 304-344-4511
Central WV CPC offers baby care services, parenting classes, and other services for mothers and families.
This organization serves the following counties: Barbour, Braxton, Gilmer, Lewis, Pendleton, Randolph, Tucker, Upshur, and Webster.
You can find more information at https://cwvcpc.com/about-us
Phone: 304-473-1122
Right from the Start (RFTS) is a statewide program that helps West Virginia mothers and their babies lead healthier lives by offering home visitation services with a Designated Care Coordinator (registered nurse or licensed social worker)
Their services are FREE and support mothers, their new babies and their families by helping create a safe, nurturing home. Our Designated Care Coordinators discuss any questions and concerns you may have and help you find the resources you need.
Website: https://www.wvdhhr.org/rfts/
Phone: 304-558-5388
The mission of the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health is to provide leadership to support state and community efforts to build systems of care that assure the health and well-being of all West Virginians.
Enacted in 1935 as a part of the Social Security Act, the Title V Maternal and Child Health Program is the Nation’s oldest Federal-State partnership. For over 80 years, the Federal Title V Maternal and Child Health program has provided a foundation for ensuring the health of the Nation’s mothers, women, children and youth, including children and youth with special health care needs and their families. Title V converted to a Block Grant Program in 1981.
Website: https://www.wvdhhr.org/mcfh/
Phone: 304-558-5388
Catholic Charities USA supports a national network of agencies committed to encountering those along the margins, regardless of their faith. Join us in providing help and creating hope for those in need.
Services include Asset development services, Basic needs services, Case management services, Disaster response and recovery services, Education and enrichment services, Employment services, Food distribution services, Health-related services, Information and/or referrals, Migrant services, Prepared food services, Senior Services, and Youth services
Website: www.catholiccharitieswv.org
Phone: (888)-900-2989
Woman's Choice is a Charleston based organization offering free services to expecting and new mothers including pregnancy tests, obstetric ultrasounds, pregnancy counseling, supplies, and more.
Website: https://choicesmakeyou.com/services/
Phone: 304-346-9779